Manufacturers of oil and fat products should take advantage of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)’s state-of-the-art pilot plants and laboratory facilities as well as its research and development expertise in the manufacturing of oil and fats products.
Director-General Dr. Ahmad Parveez Hj Ghulam Kadir said MPOB has invested heavily in the pilot plants which are mostly located at its head office in Bangi.
MPOB researchers offer their expertise on palm oil-based food product development from the aspects of formulations, processing and preservation during storage and transportation. In addition, their expertise include improving the manufacturers’ existing palm oil-based products.
“Our pilots plants and laboratory facilities are also rented out to manufacturers for preparation of palm oil-based food product samples for market development or trials of new or improved formulations. These facilities are also useful to oil and fat manufacturers for formulation and process optimisation,” said Dr. Ahmad Parveez.
MPOB’s Perfector pilot plant is able to produce palm-oil based fluid, soft, brick, cake and pastry margarines; fluid and solid shortenings; as well as vegetable ghees.
“Food manufacturers from Syria, Pakistan, India, Turkey, and Sweden have adopted palm oil-based food formulations developed by our researchers. These are mainly products such as palm oil-based margarines, shortenings, vegetable ghee (Vanaspati), animal fats replacers and confectionary fats,” he added.
MPOB also conducts practical courses on margarine manufacturing for local and foreign participants, which provide them hands-on experience in using palm oil formulations for various fat products.
Dr. Ahmad Parveez said the establishment of the pilot plant and laboratory facilities will help intensify MPOB’s efforts for commercialisation and improve the existing mechanisms and infrastructures that can enhance connectivity with the industry and potential adopters.
He also said that MPOB is in the midst of developing facilities for and R&D services for the Small and Medium Scale Industries (SMI) and technology start-ups in Malaysia which in turn can be the agents to venture into bigger markets.
According to Dr. Ahmad Parveez, these pilot plants are strategies in realising the full potential of MPOB as a R&D agency which is the pioneer in some of the innovations and possesses outstanding proven track records.
Food manufacturers can contact Dr. Anis Mokhtar, Head of Corporate Implementation and Consultancy Unit, MPOB at +603-8769 4574 or Puan Suraya Mohamad at +603-8769 4579. Enquiries can also be emailed to